Sunday 6 March 2016


Portrait: a description, in words, writing, or film, usually of a person
To salt: to spread salt on so as to melt snow or ice
Rinse: to wash lightly, as by pouring water over as a final stage in washing
Stamp: to strike with a forceful, strong, downward movement or push of the foot.
Firm: a commercial company;
Dams: a barrier to obstruct or control the flow of water, built across a stream or river.
Warehouse: a building for the storage of goods or merchandise.
Jellyfish: a stinging, jellylike sea creature.
Slash: to cut with a violent sweeping stroke, as with a knife or sword


Lonely: having or suffering from a depressing feeling caused by being alone;
Insolation: exposure to the sun's rays, esp. as a process of treatment.
Roam: to travel without purpose
Insane: mentally unsound; mad
Steeple: a tower having an ornamental top in the shape of a spire, built on a church, public building, etc.
Graze: to scrape the skin from
To graze up my knees
Learn to coexist
Sooner: a person who settles on government land before it is legally opened to settlers in order to gain the choice of location.


    Toll: the extent or amount of loss, damage, or suffering resulting from some action
    Cell: a small room, such as in a convent or a prison.
    Screw: a nail-like metal fastener, having a thin end with a spiral groove and a head with a slot
    Roof: the outside, upper covering of a building.
    Naughty: disobedient;mischievous.
    Dial: a plate or disk on a clock or watch, containing markings upon which the time of day is indicated by hands or pointers
    Busy: actively working on something
    Sneeze: to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action.


    Look down to a person
    Look up to a person
    Run his eyes
    You won't be to any use
    Fit to drink
    To earn a lot of money
    Give him a lift
    Run away
    Get into trouble


    Law: the principles, rules, and regulations set up by a government, other authority, or by custom, that apply to all the people of a group.
    Lawyer: a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for them in other legal matters.
    Murder: the unlawful killing of a person, esp. when done deliberately
    Attorney: a person legally appointed or empowered to act for another
    Mugger: a person who mugs, esp. one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her.
    Kidnap: to carry off (a person) by force or trickery.
    Crew: a group of people working together.
    Bullet: a small piece of metal fired from a gun.

    Thursday 3 December 2015


    Rub: to move, spread, or apply with friction over something
    The World's series: it's the most important baseball competition in the world 
    Ripple:  form small waves, as water when a breeze disturbs it.
    Stories building: a complete horizontal section of a building.
    Canned food: food preserved in a can or jar.
    Pantry: a room or closet in which food, groceries, and other provisions, or silverware, dishes, etc., are kept.
    Hazards: something causing danger, peril, risk, or difficulty.
    Steel: a form of iron made with carbon.
    Instructions: the act or practice of instructing.


    Strike: to drive so as to cause impact or to collide.
    Mud: wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river.
    Ash: finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption.
    Trapped: a trick for catching a person by surprise.
    Aid: help or support;assistance.
    Flame: a portion of burning gas or vapor.
    Shelter: something beneath, behind, or within which one is protected, as from storms, cold, danger, etc.


    Sprained: to overstrain or twist (the ligaments around a joint) so as to injure without a fracture or break.
    Journey: a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time.
    Fare: the price of traveling in a bus, airplane, or other carrier
    Valley girl: a girl who dresses like a rich, which often appears to be high class and it's very formal.
    Lord: a person who has authority, control, or power over others;master or ruler.
    Dye: a coloring material or matter.
    Rascals: a dishonest person.